I've got the passenger side wall glued and screwed in place. The front and back are done.
The driver side wall gets glued in tomorrow.
The sidewalls have 2 coats of spar urethane. I'll do the third coat in the spring.
Framing for the roof has started.
I will be framing in an area for a roof vent. There's plenty of room for one.
The 1x3's are cut to length for the front portion that will be covered by screening.
Vinyl will run from the front all the way to the back of the roof.
To add insulation and sound proofing I'll add closed cell mini foam, 1/4" thick under the vinyl.
The wood for the roof will be 1/4" thick.
I'll place the nice stained side facing into the td since the top is covered by vinyl anyway.
The counter is in place and I need to pick the wood for the bulkhead.
All the windows have been framed in and butyl tape used along with stainless steel screws for the installation.
The doors will be installed using the butyl tape just like the windows.
The interior floor was painted.
The fender areas were spar urethaned, then lightly sanded.
They have a coat a primer and I'll add black paint for the final coat.
Since there is no room for trim behind the fender
I'll add a bead of silicone where the sidewall meets the metal frame.
That worked great for Kate's convertible td build.
Feeling much better that all the heavy stuff will be completed
by my surgery date this coming Monday, the 22nd.
The knee replacement will keep me out of the garage this winter.
In the spring I can install the roof, add the vinyl and trim(lower frame and all corners).
Then Paddy and I will be ready for late spring camping.