Sunday, November 25, 2012

Git 'er done before cold weather moves in!

Right now my knee replacement surgery is keeping me from overdoing anything with the camper.  The cold weather will be here fast enough.  By the time I'll be feeling better to be working on this project  the weather will prevent much more from being done.  Next weekend should be 50 degrees so it looks like that would be a final chance for pulling it outdoors for some final tinkering until spring.

The latest push has the front trim primed and painted. My oak  molding has been cut and is ready for the screen installation.  This was a fun part helping Kate with her convertible build so it was a blast to look from the cabin out through the screen on my own convertible td!  Only the front radius will be screened.  After that the camper will have a flat roof.

The rear trim is now glued in place.  Maybe that warmer weather will allow some primer and paint.

We'll see what next weekend, both the weather and my knee, has to offer!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Storage pockets for galley.

My favorite storage pockets should work great in the galley. It is so small so these two single pockets will hold a lot.

My exterior rear cargo box will hold more galley stuff, like cooking gear.

I have a towel/napkin rack left over from Ikea. Part of my Xmas trip to NY includes an Ikea run so I'll be able to look for some more cool storage items.

Oak added to corner trim.

Not only is the oak strong for the corners but it allows for a nice way to begin my screening on the front section of the camper.

The horizontal piece of oak will just have brads and some some silicone.  If there are any issues with the screen I want this piece to come off for screen repair or replacement.

All four corners need to be primed and then painted.  Should be a fun and easy project to steal away a little td time in the garage on turkey day.  Weather here in Cleveland: should be 61 degrees.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sanding done for corner trim

Using 1/4" 1 x 3's for corner trim.  Should warm up enough tomorrow to glue them in.

Curtains Up and Pocket Storage for Door

Found valances at Walmart for my small windows.  My driver side door gets double pocket storage.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Weather perfect for lower trim painting

Note the cane in first photo!

We have some nice sunny and warmer days coming up. With moving to the cane I need to balance being up and about, working on my exercises and not allowing my knee /leg to swell.

Today was the perfect set up......................Nice sunny weather and feeling good enough to be up and working on easy trailer stuff.

UPDATE: NOV 18, 2012
The trim is now glued in place due to the nice break in weather here!